Investigación y educación
Investigación y educación
Visualizamos un entorno de trabajo científico sostenible inmerso en una institución de enseñanza interconectada con nuestras comunidades. Nuestro diseño organizacional fomenta un enfoque holístico para la ejecución de la investigación clínica, lo que nos permite ofrecer productos de investigación diseñados para adaptarse a tiempos difíciles y necesidades constantes. Nos esforzamos por comprometernos sistemáticamente con grupos comunitarios para brindarles a los pacientes tratamientos médicos de vanguardia en el mercado farmacéutico.
Grupos de investigación
Caracterización de pacientes con diagnóstico de uveítis en la consulta de reumatología pediátrica, estudio multicéntrico. Revista Colombiana de Reumatología
Junio 1, 2023
Agreement between an Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis Risk Calculator and the Colombian Clinical Practice Guideline in Three Tertiary-Care Centers in Bogotá, Colombia. Am J Perinatol.
Enero 24, 2023
The PRINCIPAL Network: A Model to Optimize Infection Care and Prevention in Pediatric Oncology in the Latin American Region. JCO Global Oncology Vol 8.
Noviembre 8, 2022
Análisis de pruebas diagnósticas de pacientes con ojo seco e hipotiroidismo: un estudio observacional. Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología.
Marzo 1, 2023
Therapeutic plasma exchange for optic neuritis attacks in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Ther Apher Dial. 2022
Abril 7, 2022
Latin American consensus recommendations for management and treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders in clinical practice[Mult Scler Relat Disord.
Mayo 25, 2021
" Impact of immunosuppression regimen on COVID-19 mortality in kidney transplant recipients: Analysis from a Colombian transplantation centers registry. Nefrologia (Engl Ed). "
Enero 19, 2023
Low dose thymoglobulin versus basiliximab in cytomegalovirus positive kidney transplant recipients: Effectiveness of preemptive cytomegalovirus modified strategy. Nefrologia (Engl Ed).
Noviembre 25, 2022
Medicina Crítica
Medicina Crítica
Multinational prospective cohort study over 24 years of the risk factors for ventilator-associated pneumonia in 187 ICUs in 12 Latin American countries
Diciembre 29, 2022
Medicina Crítica
Multinational Prospective Cohort Study of Mortality Risk Factors in 198 ICUs of 12 Latin American Countries over 24 Years: The Effects of Healthcare-Associated Infections. J Epidemiol Glob Health.
Octubre 5, 2022
Diaz A. Quantitative sensory testing: a good tool to identify subclinical neuropathy in ATTRV30M amyloidosis patients? Amyloid.
Diciembre 15, 2022
"Frequency of NMOSD misdiagnosis in a cohort from Latin America: Impact and evaluation of different contributors. Mult Scler. 2022 Dec"
Diciembre 1, 2022
"Prognostic significance of telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter gen mutations in high grade meningiomas. Biomedica. "
Diciembre 1, 2022
Enfermedades infecciosas
Enfermedades infecciosas
Associated Factors for Mortality in a COVID-19 Colombian Cohort by Epidemic Wave: Is the Predominance of Mu Variant Relevant? Lancet. 12
Diciembre 12, 2022
Enfermedades infecciosas
Effectiveness of Five Antibiotic Regimens for the Treatment of Intra-Abdominal Infection in Bogotá. Surg Infect (Larchmt).
Noviembre 23, 2022
Enfermedades infecciosas
Expert review of global real-world data on COVID-19 vaccine booster effectiveness and safety during the omicron-dominant phase of the pandemic. Expert Rev Vaccines.
Noviembre 11, 2022
Peritonal carcinomatosis after minimally invasive surgery versusopen radical hysterectomy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Gynecol Cancer.
Diciembre 5, 2022
Preoperative brachytherapy for early-stage cervical cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Gynecol Oncol. 2022 Nov
Noviembre 29, 2022
Adjuvant treatment after radical surgery for cervical cancer with intermediate risk factors: is it time for an update? Int J Gynecol Cancer.
Octubre 3, 2022
Identification of the Transcriptional Regulatory Role of RUNX2 by Network Analysis in Lung Cancer Cells. Biomedicines.
Diciembre 3, 2022
Durvalumab After Chemoradiation for Unresectable Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inferior Outcomes and Lack of Health Equity in Hispanic Patients Treated With PACIFIC Protocol (LA1-CLICaP). Front Oncol.
Julio 12, 2022
Medicina Interna
Medicina Interna
Cost Effectiveness of Tofacitinib for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Active Ulcerative Colitis in Colombia. Pharmacoecon Open.
Noviembre 6, 2022
Medicina Interna
Characteristics and Outcomes of Heart Failure Patients from a Middle- Income Country: The RECOLFACA Registry. Glob Heart.
Agosto 18, 2022
Medicina Interna
Guidelines for prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical and medical patients and long-distance travelers in Latin America. Blood Adv.
Junio 28, 2022
Medicina Nuclear
Medicina Nuclear
"Sjögren Syndrome: New Insights in the Pathogenesis and Role of Nuclear Medicine. J Clin Med."
Septiembre 4, 2022
Medicina Nuclear
Imaging Activated-T-Lymphocytes in the Salivary Glands of Patients with Sjögren's Syndrome by 99m Tc-Interleukin-2: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications. J Clin Med.
Julio 27, 2022
Medicina Nuclear
"Molecular Imaging of Vulnerable Coronary plaque whit radiolabeled Somatostatin Receptors (SSTR) J.Clin.Med."
Noviembre 25, 2021
Return to sport soccer after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: ISAKOS consensus. J ISAKOS.
Agosto 23, 2022
A Proposed Personalized Spine Care Protocol (SpineScreen) to Treat Visualized Pain Generators: An Illustrative Study Comparing Clinical Outcomes and Postoperative Reoperations between Targeted Endoscopic Lumbar Decompression Surgery, Minimally Invasive T
Junio 29, 2022
A Differential Clinical Benefit Examination of Full Lumbar Endoscopy vs Interspinous Process Spacers in the Treatment of Spinal Stenosis: An Effect Size Meta-Analysis of Clinical Outcomes. Int J Spine Surg
Febrero 17, 2022
"Mitral valve repair in severe mitral regurgitation after blunt chest trauma. Trauma Case Rep."
Agosto 1, 2022
Guía de práctica clínica para la Profilaxis quirúrgica antimicrobiana. Infectio Vol 26, Num 3.
Julio 25, 2022
Anesthesia Patient Safety: Next Steps to Improve Worldwide Perioperative Safety by 2030. Anesth Analg.
Abril 7, 2022
Incidence and Prognostic Significance of High-Risk Cytogenetically Abnormalities in Multiple Myeloma Patients in Colombia. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk.
Febrero 26, 2022
Treatment-free remission in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: recommendations of the LALNET expert panel. Blood Advances
Diciembre 14, 2021
CARE-MS I, CARE-MS II, CAMMS03409, and TOPAZ investigators. Alemtuzumab outcomes by age: Post hoc analysis from the randomized CARE-MS studies over 8 years. Mult Scler Relat Disord.
Diciembre 24, 2020
Salud Mental
Salud Mental
Medical professionalism as competence, a perspective from the narrative: State of art. Educación Médica
Noviembre 1, 2021
Salud Mental
Survey of psychiatrists and psychiatry residents in Colombia about their preventive and therapeutic practices in delirium. Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed).
Octubre 30, 2021
Salud Mental
Virtual and in- person accompaniment of hospitalized patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia. Rev Panam Salud Publica.
Septiembre 24, 2021