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Comparison of severe COVID 19 and influenza infections in pediatric patients requiring PICU in Bogota, Colombia.

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Background COVID 19 infection represents a global threat and now a frequent cause of hospitalization in pediatrics. COVID 19, as well as Influenza virus could have a severe course. There are few studies, and no local or regional information comparing severe disease between COVID 19 and Influenza virus in children.

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Craniosynostosis: Understanding the Misshaped Head. Radiographics.

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Abstract Craniosynostosis is defined as the premature closure of one or more cranial sutures, which alters the configuration of the child’s head (Figure). The morbidity and mortality are related to intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus, Chiari 1 deformity, upper airway obstructions, and developmental delay, especially in syndromic cases. Eighty-five percent of cases are nonsyndromic, and of these, 75% are single-suture synostoses and nearly 60% of those are sagittal synostosis. Sagittal synostosis (scaphocephaly) typically spares the skull base.

Investigación y educación

Agreement between an Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis Risk Calculator and the Colombian Clinical Practice Guideline in Three Tertiary-Care Centers in Bogotá, Colombia. Am J Perinatol.

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"Abstract: Objective Clinical practice guidelines (CPG) worldwide help steer the management of early-onset neonatal sepsis (EONS). These documents typically discourage the use of risk assessment tools. However, prior work has shown that the Kaiser Permanente calculator (Early-Onset Sepsis Calculator [EOScalc]) could be a useful tool in EONS risk assessment. This study aimed to determine the agreement between the recommendations of the Colombian EONS CPG and those of the EOSCalc tool in a cohort of newborns in Bogotá, Colombia.

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