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Medicina Crítica

Multinational Prospective Cohort Study of Mortality Risk Factors in 198 ICUs of 12 Latin American Countries over 24 Years: The Effects of Healthcare-Associated Infections. J Epidemiol Glob Health.

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"Jimenez-Alvarez LF, Reyes LP, Alvarez-Moreno CA, Gomez K, Alarcon J, Oñate JM, Aguilar-Moreno LA, Ojeda JSB, Tobar IFG." 5/10/2022

The International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) has found a high ICU mortality rate in Latin America.                                                                                   

Investigación y educación

Multinational prospective cohort study over 24 years of the risk factors for ventilator-associated pneumonia in 187 ICUs in 12 Latin American countries

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"Jimenez-Alvarez LF, Reyes LP, Alvarez-Moreno CA, Gomez K, Alarcon J, Oñate JM, Aguilar-Moreno LA, Bravo-Ojeda JS, Gutierrez-Tobar IF." 29/12/2022

Investigación y educación