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Mondor's penile disease requiring thrombectomy: A case report and literature review. Rev Int Androl.

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Mondor's penile disease requiring thrombectomy: A case report and literature review. Rev Int Androl.

Investigación y Educación

Hernández LG. 22/01/2022

The thrombophlebitis of the superficial dorsal vein of the penis, called Mondor's penile disease (PMD), is a condition with a low incidence worldwide. In general, it is considered a self-limited disease that usually resolves with conservative management and very rarely requires surgical intervention. We report the case of a 41-year-old patient, who presented PMD which persists after medical treatment with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug and low molecular weight heparin. Surgery was decided and thrombectomy plus resection of the superficial penile vein was performed with satisfactory results. A review of the literature is presented, focusing on the limited available evidence of surgical management. Conclusions
Mondor's penile disease is an uncommon urological condition that generally resolves with conservative management. A multidisciplimary approach involving haematology for descarting pro-thrombotic conditions is suggested. Surgical intervention should be offered after medical treatment failure, including thrombectomy or vein resection. Few cases requiring surgery have been reported, but all of them have achieved good results. Having in count the few available evidence, urologist must have these

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