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Patient Blood Management Strategies to Avoid Transfusions in Body Contouring Operations: Controlled Clinical Trial. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021

Investigación y educación

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Patient Blood Management Strategies to Avoid Transfusions in Body Contouring Operations: Controlled Clinical Trial. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021

Investigación y Educación

"Enrique Bayter-Marin J, Cárdenas-Camarena L, Peña WE, Durán H, Ramos- Gallardo G, Robles-Cervantes JA, McCormick-Méndez M, Rocio Gómez-
González S, Liliana Plata-Rueda E., 1/2/2021


Anemia is a frequent process of morbidity and mortality in body contouring procedures. In aesthetic surgery, there are no standardized processes to minimize bleeding during surgery. For this reason, a study was designed to implement patient blood management strategies to reduce bleeding and transfusions in patients undergoing body contouring operations.


Patient blood management strategies, such as increasing hemoglobin before surgery, and strategies to minimize blood loss during surgery, proved to be effective at reducing bleeding in patients undergoing body contouring surgery, also decreasing the need to perform postoperative blood transfusions.

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