p.G12C KRAS mutation prevalence in non-small cell lung cancer: Contribution from interregional variability and population substructures among Hispanics. Transl Oncol.

Background The KRAS exon 2 p. G12C mutation in patients with lung adenocarcinoma has been increasing in relevance due to the development and effectiveness of new treatment medications. Studies around different populations indicate that regional variability between ethnic groups and ancestries could play an essential role in developing this molecular alteration within lung cancer.
Conclusions Widespread identification of KRAS exon 2 p.G12C mutations, especially in cases where NGS is not easily achieved is feasible at a population based level that can characterize regional and national patterns of mutation status. Furthermore, this type of mutation prevalence follows a population substructure pattern that can be easily determined by population and ancestral markers such as STR.