members of the Colombian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeons (SOCCAR). Institutional arthroplasty registry: what is the minimum acceptable dataset to be included in your hospital? Recommendations from a single-country national consensus using the Delphi met

Bonilla GA, Montoya BE, Restrepo VE, Gomez MM, Sánchez AA, Sánchez JI, Rodríguez HA, Rincón JA, Solano AL, Cardona D, Martínez SL, López A, Moore JL, 15/11/2020.
Institutional arthroplasty registries are very popular nowadays; however, very few efforts have been made in order to standardize the information to be collected, thus limiting the possibility of inter-institutional data interpretation. This manuscript reports the results of a single-country consensus designed to define the minimum standardized dataset to be recorded within an institutional arthroplasty registry.