"Epidemiological characteristics and serotype distribution of culture- confirmed pediatric pneumococcal pneumonia before and after PCV 10 introduction, a multicenter study in Bogota, Colombia, 2008-2019. Vaccine."

"Background: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) have decreased pneumonia in children. Colombia introduced mass vaccination with PCV10 in 2012.
Conclusions: PCV10 significantly decreased cases of serotypes 1 and 14, with an increase in cases of serotypes 19A, 3 and 6A, which were the predominant serotypes and had greater severity (e.g., admission to the PICU, CP and more resistance, with an increase in the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and longer hospitalization) and subsequently included in PCV13. Current data support national and regional evidence on the importance of replacing PCV10 with a higher valence that includes 19A, such as PCV13, with the aim of reducing circulation, particularly of this serotype."