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The PRINCIPAL Network: A Model to Optimize Infection Care and Prevention in Pediatric Oncology in the Latin American Region. JCO Global Oncology Vol 8.

Investigación y educación

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The PRINCIPAL Network: A Model to Optimize Infection Care and Prevention in Pediatric Oncology in the Latin American Region. JCO Global Oncology Vol 8.

Investigación y Educación

Abstract Children with cancer are at high risk for poor outcomes, and health care providers are often unfamiliar with best practices in infection care and prevention (IC&P) in this small and fragile population. Graduates of training courses in IC&P in immunocompromised hosts identified a need for a community that would enable members to share health care experiences, provide resources for continuing medical education, and foster collaborative research and quality improvement opportunities. We developed a Latin American network, Prevencionistas e Infectólogos para Cáncer Pediátrico en América Latina, to grow and sustain the expertise of the clinical workforce in IC&P. Here, we describe the network, how we built it, and its early outcomes.

Conclusion We have demonstrated the power of a discipline-specific network structure to facilitate sharing of evidence-based information that enhances the quality-of-care delivery in pediatric oncology.

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